Monday, February 18, 2013

TOO SOON? a short up-to-date

I know I haven't written in about a week, but so much has been going on in my personal and professional life.  In the realm of personal, I kind of let some things get away from me and found myself breaking up with someone I wasn't even dating.  We were old friends that sort of sometimes liked to kiss each other, but I didn't really see how far the other party was diving emotionally into this, what i thought, casual thing.  

that guy will not be the guy of which i speak of.

Three weeks ago I met someone at that dating auction previously mentioned in the blog and I didn't really think of it as going anywhere.  Not that I thought about it not going anywhere, but I just didn't think about it.  Well, I didn't think about it really at all.  Zero.  On any scale.  I have been putting so much energy into keeping my head above water in my business that I didn't really pay too much attention to the attention i was receiving from the opposite sex.  Well, in some cases, the same sex, but that is a story for another time. 

I got so wrapped up in trying to not having feelings for anyone I forgot to not have feelings for anyone. 
 Silly me. 
 I'm not sure what will come of it and, at this point, I don't really care.  All I know is that this particular guy has changed my mind about the word "casual."

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