When I rolled up I parked next to his van without even knowing I had done so. I got out of the car, after giving myself a last minute glance in the rearview, and started walking to the front door of the bar. I saw a few people outside smoking cigarettes so I stopped to chat with them a little bit and then...there. That moment. Even now, it's playing in slow motion as I write this down. My brain finally processed having seen his van and I knew I'd have to make a move one way or the other. AHHH! Yelling inside my brain! What was I thinking?! Why did I think this was a sound idea?! What What What the hell?!?!?!? and, as I was outside going through this in my head, I saw him. Walking up to the bar coming right for me. Right for me! There! AHH! Freaking out internally and then...from out of the chilly darkness the light hits him and reveals...a smile. Not just any smile, but one of the kindest most gentle smiles there is to look upon followed by a giant hug.
He says, "wow! you're so skinny!" To which I respond, "No, I'm not. You are! Oh, wait, you have a mustache now." And that was it. It was over. Like a bandaid. Hell Yeah, 2013. Hell yes!
(Not me in picture, but an item on the lot nonetheless)
I felt like I should've gotten an award of something of the sort for how well last night went and I even told a friend I thought as much. His response, "you did get an award! you got awarded with a non-awkward evening!"
I sold for $95 and I regret nothing.