Tuesday, January 8, 2013

and you say he's just a friend....

No one likes to think that their ex will ever get over them. I mean, seriously. how could anyone get over this hot piece?! But, shit, it happens and when it does it always sucks.  It doesn’t matter how okay you are with each other or even if you don’t think of them romantically anymore, it still always sucks.
you say to yourself, “it’s really cool that we’re going to be friends.”
reality is this: being friends is difficult and painful and awkward and jealous and strange and it takes real-as-hell work.
of course it’s not impossible. i have many ex boyfriends whom are great friends, but is that all of my ex boyfriends? hell to the no.
do i want you to be one of them?
do i think it’ll happen?
...not likely.

women stew over things. let them manifest for hours in our heads before saying anything. reach the farthest, most awful conclusion of what outcomes lie ahead. and to what end?  it only makes us hurt. physically and emotionally. 

No one professes that they like to cry, but when you actually let that barrier down and free the flood, that sinking thing in the base of your throat, that shiver under your eyelash….it feels fucking great!
I dare you to cry the next time someone hurts you.
when the devices swirling up in your head make you feel that someone has horribly wronged you.
when you stub your toe
when you’re late for work
when you're having the shittiest day and you want to scream
cry instead. cry and i promise you will feel calm. the calm that comes after
after you’ve finished hyperventilating into a paper bag and have finished cutting that last picture of the two of you together up into tiny little pieces.

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